Thursday, May 29, 2008

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Monday, May 26, 2008

LM-1 made a mule deer kill in Seco canyon around May 5th (point 42 on the LM-1 map). The mule deer was an old male whose teeth were worn down. The prey was dragged about 30m uphill from the wash into the trees lining the wash. The deer was probably killed in the thick Apache Plume stand in the foreground of the photo and then dragged and cached under an oak tree lining the wash in the background.
Monday, May 19, 2008

Friday, May 09, 2008

Our first collared cougar, AM1, is back to his usual haunts, patroling the salt-cedar thickets of the middle Rio Grande. It looks like he may have made a kill or scavenged something last week as indicated by the cluster of points on the west side of the river. Hopefully, we'll be able to ground check this soon.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008

It looks like LF1 may have yet another kill. Her movements have been concentrated on Animas Creek for the last 10+ days. On this map there is a cluster of red points beside the creek that indicate that she has been in one spot for at least 24 hours. Unfortunately, we are receiving fewer data points from all of our cougars lately. It is likely that as the trees grow their new leaves in the canyon bottoms is becomes more difficult for the collars to make the necessary satellite links.