Video slideshow: LM2 revisiting elk kill mentioned in last post. He returns to the kill at 6:00 PM and then again at 9:40 PM, but doesn't appear to feed on it . This may be because he was wary of even the no flash cameras. When he returns at 11:00 PM, he promptly drags the carcass out of the camera's range to feed for the night.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010

The following photos were taken by a Reconyx remote digital camera, set up on an LM2 cow elk kill. LM2 made the kill on the night of March 5th, we visited the kill on the 6th and set up cameras. The below photos show LM2 revisiting the kill on the night of the 6th, and dragging it just out of range of the cameras.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010