When following pumas around, it doesn't take long to realize that these critters can move. They cover an amazing amount of extremely rough terrain in no time. This graphs shows a frequency distribution of the number of nights a female (LF1) and a male (LM3) puma traveled certain distances: less than 100 meters, 100-500m, 500-1,000m, 1,000 - 5,000m, and so on, up to 20 km in one night. Both of these pumas traveled at least 5 km (3.1 mi) on most nights, and quite often exceeded 10 km - as the crow flies, and if you've ever spent time in New Mexico, you know there's a whole lot more ground to cover for us mammals than for the crows. LM3 liked to wander more than LF1, as we would expect for a lone male relative to a female that often has small kittens to tend.